Reviews of treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine.

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Урсу Инна Петровна

I , Ursu Inna Petrovna, have been hurting since 1988. Curvature of the
spine, there were severe pain. After 3 sessions I felt better. Thank you very
much, Dr. Tchianov. You helped us a lot. from. Borisovka Tatarbunarsky
district, 07.10.1990 17:32
06.06.2014, 09:00

Лазорева Мария Ивановна

I, Lazoreva Maria Ivanovna live in the street. Lenin 15/1. Before visiting
Tchianov V.f. I felt really bad. The lower back was very sick and literally at
the second session it became very good for me. There was fat on my leg, it
even prevented me from walking and disappeared. And the general condition
improved. st. Lenin 15/1 13.04.1991, 17:25

Мирось Г.И.

I believe you, Viktor Fedorovich and do not regret it! For more than ten
years, I was bothered by cervical osteochondrosis to look left or right, I had
to turn my whole body. Having undergone treatment by you, I do not feel
pain, the head turns freely! Thank you! And I haven't slept for six months,
now I fall asleep easily, wake up with difficulty, I want to sleep. I became
calm, balanced, not annoyed even because of serious misunderstandings!
God forbid and you health and all good things in life! Thank you! from.
Shevchenkovo teacher Secondary school #1 23.11.1992, 17:09

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