Reviews of cancer treatment.

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Корниенко Мария Григорьевна

I Kornienko Maria Grigoryevna am sick for 17 years, stomach, pancreas, liver, intestines, where I was not
treated Odessa, Kiev, Esentuki sanatorium, Pyatigorsk, Morshin, etc. But everything was to no avail,
without pills not a single day, lately since the month of March I have not slept at night, could not eat
anything, a lump formed in the stomach area, knots in the amount of corn grain, could not even swallow
water, even the air did not pass, after the third session it became easier for me, began to pass the air, could
swallow saliva, could swallow water, wanted to eat, lived a month without tablets. Thanks to Viktor
Fedorovich for his good heart, golden hands, for his approach to people, and most importantly, he does
not choose people. God grant you good health, and long years of life. G. B-Dniester Ave. Chisinau 4 a
25.06.1990, 17:42


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