Reviews of treatment of neuroses.

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Dubrovsky Evgeniy

For many years he suffered from chronic neurosis and depression. Repeatedly turned to psychologists and psychiatrists. Most often, I was prescribed antidepressants, but they only gave a short-term effect. I decided to contact Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov. I underwent hypnosis treatment for 10 sessions, although Viktor Fedorovich recommended longer treatment. After the first session I felt significant relief. After 10 sessions, anxiety subsided, I became calmer, and my thinking improved. I was able to communicate normally with people. After serious stress at work, some of the symptoms returned, but in a milder form. I turned to Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov for help again. This time I completed the full course of treatment that the doctor recommended to me. My condition has completely returned to normal. Many thanks to Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov! 
05/10/2022 Odessa st. Gymnasium 19 to 1a Dubrovsky Evgeniy. 08/06/2023, 


Hello, I will tell you a little about myself. 5 years ago I started having panic attacks, which I could not cope with on my own, I could not go to work, I was worried about unclear conditions with my body, I was afraid to be alone, my blood pressure and constant tachycardia for 2 years. After passing many doctors, it became a little easier for me and I went to work.But, as it turned out, it was all temporary.I began to weaken and pull muscles.First, the muscle on the right side of the body, then went to the left side, then the whole body (I can not explain what it was, it is like spasms, muscle tension).and I again went to doctors, a sea of anilizov, ct, mrt, every day gave blood, hands were blue. And everything on the paperwork was fine.Some doctors laughed some were not against making money on me.I was a godsend for the doctor..The state of my body again came to the point that I became afraid of everything, I had a strong spasm of muscles throughout my body, added pain, cramps, bone pain, baking eyes, headaches, stomach pain again pressure jumped, I stopped having enough air, went strong sleepiness, all this is also accompanied by severe pain in the female. I went into myself, I became afraid to communicate with people, there were constant tantrums, outbursts of anger, I hated everyone. I can write a very long time.But I was sure that I will help, and when I became quite bad, a miracle happened! My mother saw on the Internet site Victor Fedorovich! I am grateful to the doctor.The method is amazing.I went on the mend.Gradually went relaxation on the muscles, passed headaches, passed these strong pains in the stomach.I stopped being afraid, in my body added energy, there was a desire to live and enjoy.Now I with confidence independently everywhere I go, go to work, I became calm, I began to notice people, all say that I am very changed, I smile, with me pleasant to communicate.Thank you and advise everyone. 2021-10-08


For a year she suffered from neurosis, panic attacks. It was difficult to work and travel in public transport. And as a result, a depressive depressive state. I turned to Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov. After this 20 sessions I returned to normal, my depressive state went away, my mood improved, and my neurosis went away. I am very grateful to Viktor Fedorovich for saving me from the disease. I recommend it to everyone who does not find help in traditional medicine. The main thing is to believe and listen to the doctor. 08/05/2023, Oksana Completed a course of treatment of 25 sessions for neurosis with Dr. Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov. The following symptoms worried me: a nervous, irritable state, obsessive thoughts, a depressive state, fear of doing the work that I have been doing for 30 years. Fear of recurrence of attacks (arms and legs became weak, like a pre-fainting state). Therefore, there is a fear of traveling in public transport and walking long distances on your own. Thanks to Viktor Fedorovich, I got rid of these symptoms. I am very grateful to him for this. I recommend it to everyone who has not been helped by traditional medicine. Odessa 17.06. 2022 Oksana 48 years old. 08/04/2023, Tatyana Tatyana, 53 years old. Odessa. I contacted Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov about depression, panic attacks, diencephalic crises, and frequent increases in blood pressure. Panic attacks and diencephalic crises first appeared at the age of 25. She underwent drug treatment, but doctors said that this cannot be completely cured, only the symptoms can be removed. Over the years, my condition worsened, I was treated in the neurological department: IVs, antidepressants, psychotropic drugs. After treatment, 5 years passed and everything returned to normal again, but with more severe symptoms. I heard about Viktor Fedorovich a long time ago, but unfortunately, I only got to see him now. She completed a course of treatment. The pressure stopped increasing, internal calm stopped, there were no panic attacks, the numbness on the left side (arm, leg) went away, the pain under the left shoulder blade and in the chest went away. During some sessions, memories of difficult events in my life came, flashed through my head like pictures. Now I feel like I have lifted a heavy burden from my shoulders. I am writing this review with great gratitude to Viktor Fedorovich for his work, for his gift of healing. March 6, 2023 08/04/2023, Lyuba My name is Lyuba, I’m 51 years old, I live in Odessa. I have been sick for seven years. She was treated with medication. I recognized Dr. Chiyanov and decided to contact him. I had the following symptoms: fear, which did not allow me to work, I was afraid of going to stores, traveling in public transport, a constant feeling of seizures, melancholy, irritability, tearfulness, poor sleep, weakness, obsessive thoughts, negative memories, a burning sensation in my chest, I was afraid of losing control. yourself. After undergoing sessions with Viktor Fedorovich, my condition improved, the symptoms went away, and I felt healthy. I am grateful to Dr. Viktor Fedorovich. 14.04. 2023 08/04/2023,


I had 25 sessions of treatment for neurosis with Dr. Chiyanov Victor Fedorovich. The following symptoms were bothering me: nervous, irritable state, obsessive thoughts, depressive state, fear of doing the work I have been doing for 30 years. Fear of recurrence of attacks (hands and legs became cotton and as a pre-fainting state). Because of this fear to ride in transportation and walk independently for long distances. Thanks to Viktor Fedorovich I got rid of these symptoms. I am very grateful to him for this. I recommend to all those who have not been helped by traditional medicine. Odessa 17.06. 2022 Oksana 48 years old.


Tatiana, 53 years old. Odessa. Applied to Victor Fedorovich Chiyanov for depression, panic attacks, diencephalic crises, frequent increase in blood pressure. Panic attacks, diencephalic crises first appeared at the age of 25. I underwent medical treatment, but doctors said that it is not subject to a complete cure, you can remove only the symptoms. Over the years my condition worsened, I was treated in the neurological department: drips, antidepressant, pschotropic drugs. After treatment 5 years passed and again everything came back to normal, but already with more severe symptoms. I heard about Victor Fedorovich a long time ago, but unfortunately I came to him only now. I took a course of treatment. My blood pressure stopped rising, my inner calmness, no panic attacks, numbness on the left side (arm, leg), pain under the left shoulder blade and in the chest. During some sessions came memories of heavy events of my life, flashed in my head like pictures. Now I feel that I have thrown a heavy weight off my shoulders. I write this review with great gratitude to Victor Fedorovich for his work, for his gift of healing. March 6, 2023.


My name is Lyuba, I am 51 years old, I live in Odessa. I have been ill for seven years. I was treated with medication. I found out about Dr. Chiyanov and decided to apply. I had the following symptoms: fear - which nepozvolyaal to work, I was afraid to go to the stores, ride in the transport, a constant feeling of attacks, longing, irritability, tearfulness, poor sleep, weakness intrusive thoughts, negative memories, burning in the chest, afraid to lose control over themselves. After sessions with Dr. Victor Fedorovich, my condition improved, symptoms went away, I felt healthy. I am grateful to Dr. Victor Fedorovich. 14.04. 2023 г.

Name Oksana

For a year I suffered from neurosis, panic attacks, it was hard to work and travel in transport. And as a consequence of depressive oppressive state. Turned to Chiyanov Victor Fedorovich. After 20 sessions came to normal, went oppressive state, improved mood, passed neurosis. Before this was treated by neuropathologists - to no avail, psychiatrist helped, but without pills other unpleasant conditions came out. I am very grateful to Victor Fedorovich for getting rid of the disease. I recommend to everyone who is not helped by traditional medicine. The main thing to believe and listen to the doctor.

Maria Viktorovna

Thank you very much to Dr. Victor Fedorovich for helping my sister Yulia to heal. Thanks to Dr. Chiyanov we were able to do without surgery and solve a very important problem related to lung disease.It was like a miracle But this miracle is man-made .Doctor with a capital letter.We are sincerely grateful to you and wish you good health and optimism in this difficult world.


For more than 10 years I suffered from neurosis and depression associated with mental trauma in childhood. I consulted psychologists and psychiatrists many times. I was prescribed antidepressants, which I took for years. Due to emotional disturbances, it was very difficult for me to communicate with people, constant conflicts occurred. Unfortunately, treatment with antidepressants was ineffective and gave only temporary results. After contacting Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov, after the first treatment session I felt much better. Now I can communicate normally with people, work and live. All symptoms of the disease disappeared as if by hand. Victor Fedorovich Chiyanov is truly a high-level professional! Best regards, Evgeniy! 
Odessa, Gimnazicheskaya str. 19, apt. 1 a. 10.17.2019,

Igor's grandmother

Many thanks to Viktor Fedorovich for his grandson! He is 10 years old, his father died at the age of 7, his mother began to drink and abuse the child. My grandson came to me at the end of 1st grade. They wanted to keep him for the second year in first grade. I had to study a lot to get to second grade. At the same time, the boy was hot-tempered, did not find a common language with classmates and teachers, was indifferent to everything, very aggressive and had increased intracranial pressure. I learned about Chiyanov on TV when my grandson was already in 4th grade. After classes, the grandson became calm, more diligent, and began to participate in school events. Moreover, he himself expressed a desire to participate. He even asked to be taken. Headaches have become very rare. Less time has passed yet, but grades at school have improved slightly. As he himself says, he began to remember the material better. Thank you for your medical and emotional assistance to Viktor Fedorovich!


Victor Fedorovich, I want to express my gratitude, my warmth for your healing sessions. With your knowledge, your natural skills, you perform miracles. We are surprised and treat our soul differently (may it forgive us). You made my mind perceive the world, people, circumstances differently. You calmed me down to look at myself, my behavior, which often hurt my Soul. Plant of goodness, love, wisdom, health in my chest it came down with your healing help. Further, with your strong, wise parting words, I will raise him, creating excellent conditions, despite obstacles. Our goal with the Soul is to glow with happiness and joy. Amen! Sincerely, Ludmila. PS: I wish you health! My anxiety disappeared: fear, insomnia, obsessive thoughts, uncertainty, low self-remembering. Victor Fedorovich is a doctor with God in his Soul! Thank you, thank you to him. We wish him long life and success in his personal life, joy, happiness, fulfillment of desires. Lyudmila. Simferopol. 11/16/2015, Vera Mikhailovna Trukhacheva While accidentally passing by various advertisements, I noticed one of them - Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov - psychotherapist. After hesitating a little, I decided to call. After talking with Viktor Fedorovich, I realized that this was the doctor I had been looking for for a long time. My son and I were not mistaken about it. My 13-year-old son had a long-standing childhood fear of the dark and he was very afraid to be alone near the house; he constantly heard some steps. After going through the sessions, we got rid of this. I had my own problems - varicose veins. My legs hurt a lot and I felt tired. After the sessions these symptoms disappeared. We are very grateful to Viktor Fedorovich. 
 Odessa region With. st. Krasnoflotskaya 142 
21.08. 2015 08/23/2015, 


Vera Mikhailovna Trukhacheva

By chance, passing by various advertisements, I noticed one of them - Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov - psychotherapist. After hesitating a little, I decided to call. After talking with Viktor Fedorovich, I realized that this was the doctor I had been looking for for a long time. My son and I were not mistaken about it. My 13-year-old son had a long-standing childhood fear of the dark and he was very afraid to be alone in the house; he constantly heard some steps. After going through the sessions, we got rid of this. I had my own problems - varicose veins. My legs hurt a lot and I felt tired. After the sessions, these symptoms disappeared. We are very grateful to Viktor Fedorovich. 21.08. 2015 Odessa region. With. st. Krasnoflotskaya 142

21.08. 2015 г.


Dear doctor! I am truly grateful for my miraculous healing. I am 33 years old, for 28 of them I was seriously ill with neurosis, all these years treatment was useless. I despaired of being a full-fledged person. Thank you very much, I am infinitely grateful! Yeisk, Krasnodar region. 3. 07.2000 06/14/2014,

Бойко Александр Иванович.

 I turned to Mr. Chiyanov with a mental health problem. disorders. I was haunted by a feeling of excitement and fear, lack of confidence in myself and the future. After the sessions I feel much better. Excitement and fear disappeared, confidence in the future appeared. I feel rejuvenated, I feel well rested. I would like to focus on the received after the sessions there were positive feelings, namely: the disappearance of dependence on alcohol. Sincerely, Boyko A.I. 06/14/2014,

Бункова Мария

I, Maria Bunkova, who came to V.F. Chiyanov without hope of recovery. There was so much joy and delight when my hearing began to return, my mood lifted, my vision improved, a normal voice appeared, anxiety and excitement disappeared. At Viktor Fedorovich’s sessions you gain confidence in life, health, and one might even say happiness. I live in Ilyichevsk and every day of driving used to be difficult for me. And now I’ve completely forgotten that fatigue exists in life. I don’t even have words to express all my gratitude to this Man. Thank you that we have people like Viktor Fedorovich. Dear Center “Source of Health”! Believe me, I really don’t want to say goodbye to you. I wish everyone, and you, Viktor Fedorovich, especially, success in your difficult, but such noble work. Once again, many, many thanks. I'll just come to communicate with you. 4.05. 2006

Попов И.П.

I express my deep gratitude to Viktor Fedorovich. I suffered from diseases of the nervous system. After 10 sessions I feel very good. Thank you very much for your hard work and respect for the sick. You have golden hands. With. Kolesnoye in Saratsky district. 09/05/1990, 06/06/2014,

Провир Клавдия Степановна

 I have been suffering from neurosis for two years, after your sessions I felt better - I was in a good mood, I slept, I started to feel better. Thank you very much. With. Borisovka, Tatarbunary district. 10/09/1990

Дорошенко Павел Александрович

I, Doroshenko Pavel Alexandrovich, before attending Viktor Fedorovich’s sessions, I felt very bad, dizzy, had a feeling of fear, physical weakness and general filth. Now, after 10 sessions, I feel great. I express my gratitude to Viktor Fedorovich. B-Dniester district. With. Shabo, st. Gorky 12 11/13/1990,

Лоринц Л.А.

Me, Lorints L.A., before hypnosis sessions I felt depressed, didn’t look people in the eyes, nothing made me happy, it seemed like life was already over. 26 years ago I suffered from neurasthenia (a complication after the flu). The disease made itself known all these years. She was irritable and neurotic. After 20 sessions I feel great! A clear thought, I look freely into any eyes, I feel cheerfulness of spirit and body, I am able to conquer the Arctic again, like 16 years ago. Many thanks to Professor Chiyanov V.F. I wish him to always be cheerful and healthy in order to give people the joy of life! 


Dear Victor Fedorovich! Thank you very much for the care and attention you paid to me during my treatment. I came to you in very bad condition, but after completing the course of treatment I felt absolutely healthy, cheerful and joyful in everything. Once again I thank you and bow to you with all my heart, I wish you success in life and great health. I ask the administration of the Central City Hospital to pay a little attention to the place of your work. Sincerely. Molodezhnaya 70/59 06/05/2014,

Козаков М.И.

I suffered from a nervous system disorder, pain in the joints of my legs, arms and lower back, and after undergoing treatment sessions with Viktor Fedorovich I felt like a newborn. I thank him for his skill and golden hands. With. Mirnoye, Kiliya district 06/29/1992, Lunin O.A. I completed a course of treatment with Dr. V.F. Chiyanov. With great pleasure I would like to note the very effective, unobtrusive and very pleasant communication with the health specialist. Despite the apparent simplicity (and this, obviously, is genius!), the sessions give an invaluable result, remove old, accumulated negative emotions and illnesses, instill confidence and optimism even in patients who are “shaken” in their arrogant thoughts about iron health. I believe that the experience of Dr. Chiyanov V.F. It would be very desirable to multiply and use it as a verified remedy in correcting people’s health, especially those associated with emotional and nervous overload and other nervous and, possibly, other diseases. Thank you for your help! Sincerely, sea captain. 03/04/1994,

Лунин А.А.

Пройшов курс лікування у доктора Чиянова В.Ф.. З великим задоволенням хочу відзначити дуже ефективне, ненав'язливе і дуже приємне спілкування з фахівцем зі здоров'я. При уявній простоті (а в цьому, очевидно, геніальність!) сеанси дають неоціненний результат, знімають старі, накопичені негативні емоції і хвороби, вселяють впевненість і оптимізм навіть «похитнулися» у своїх самовпевнених думках про залізне здоров'я пацієнтам. Вважаю, що досвід доктора Чиянова В.Ф. було б вкрай бажано помножити і використовувати як вивірений лікувальний засіб при виправленні здоров'я людей, особливо пов'язаних з емоційними і нервовими перевантаженнями і при інших нервових і, можливо, інших захворюваннях. Дякую за допомогу! З повагою капітан дальнього плавання. 04.03.1994, 1

Римская Виктория Владимировна

 In early June, I turned to Viktor Fedorovich about a nervous disease, as a result of which I could not fully eat food. Discomfort, pain in the stomach, temperature, and as a result, weight loss up to 49 kg (previously everything ranged from 55 to 57 kg). Took 15 sessions. After treatment, nervous breakdowns disappeared, appetite improved, intestinal spasms stopped tormenting her, discomfort disappeared, and she gained 2 kg in weight. Migraines, which have been tormenting me for many years, are less painful. For the first time in my life, I went without pills during menopause. Fear and depression followed. Great mood!!! Dear Viktor Fedorovich! Please accept my warm gratitude with wishes of all the best in life. Thank you Doctor! Sincerely,
 Rimskaya Victoria Vladimirovna. 
Odessa, Varnenskaya str. 3, apt.

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