Reviews of insomnia treatment.

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Victor Fedorovich, I want to express my gratitude, my warmth for your healing sessions. With your knowledge, your natural skills, you perform miracles. We are surprised and treat our soul differently (may it forgive us). You made my mind perceive the world, people, circumstances differently. You calmed me down to look at myself, my behavior, which often hurt my Soul. Plant of goodness, love, wisdom, health in my chest it came down with your healing help. Further, with your strong, wise parting words, I will raise him, creating excellent conditions, despite obstacles. Our goal with the Soul is to glow with happiness and joy. Amen! Sincerely, Ludmila. PS: I wish you health! My anxiety disappeared: fear, insomnia, obsessive thoughts, uncertainty, low self-remembering. Victor Fedorovich is a doctor with God in his Soul! Thank you, thank you to him. We wish him long life and success in his personal life, joy, happiness, fulfillment of desires. Lyudmila. Simferopol. 11/16/2015, Vera Mikhailovna Trukhacheva While accidentally passing by various advertisements, I noticed one of them - Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov - psychotherapist. After hesitating a little, I decided to call. After talking with Viktor Fedorovich, I realized that this was the doctor I had been looking for for a long time. My son and I were not mistaken about it. My 13-year-old son had a long-standing childhood fear of the dark and he was very afraid to be alone near the house; he constantly heard some steps. After going through the sessions, we got rid of this. I had my own problems - varicose veins. My legs hurt a lot and I felt tired. After the sessions these symptoms disappeared. We are very grateful to Viktor Fedorovich. 
 Odessa region With. st. Krasnoflotskaya 142 
21.08. 2015 08/23/2015, 

Tarasenko Tatiana

Gratitude. I, Tarasenko Tatiana, would like to express my gratitude to Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov as a doctor-psychotherapist with a capital letter. Personally for me Victor Fedorovich is more than a doctor. I was treated for several years with traditional medication methods, treated in hospital - all to no avail. The state of health was unbearable - insomnia, a sense of fear, anxiety, internal tension, dizziness, a feeling of a “lump” in the throat. I did not see a way out of this state, my hands were down, even thought of taking my own life. But when I came for a consultation with Dr. Victor Fedorovich, he immediately inspired me with confidence and promised to cure completely, and without medication. I went through the course of treatment. Now I feel great, all unpleasant thoughts and sensations have disappeared. I regained my “joy of life”. calmness, good mood, self-confidence. Now, thanks to Victor Fedorovich, I can work, study - live a full life!!!! PS : Thank you so much for being there and helping people. Good health and long life to you. With great gratitude. Tatiana.

Nadezhda Vasilyevna Potey

 I want to thank Victor Fedorovich, for the strength and labor that he put into me, healing me from years of insomnia.Quality of life, when you sleep a couple of days a week with each month was reduced to zero.I did not immediately recover, but I followed all the instructions to help myself.Physical exercises, walks in the fresh air, tried to remove the negative information from myself.And the result did not take long to wait.Happiness and health to you Victor Fedorovich for many years.! 12.05.2014, 13:52

Shishkina V.A.

I am very grateful to you that you helped me in my health, my sick heart began to work rhythmically, it became easy to breathe, and most importantly my insomnia, which had been tormenting me for many years, disappeared into the abyss. Everything changed in my body, it became more interesting and joyful to live. Thank you Victor Fedorovich for your help. May there always be bright and joyful days in your life. Good health to you. > 60 years old. Odessa 15.06.1998, 14:44.

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