Reviews of alcoholism treatment.

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Чуб С.Н.

I suffered from chronic alcoholism for almost ten years! I had to go through all sorts of medical institutions, but it was all in vain. The illness overcame me more and more, it got to the point that I could no longer live a day without drinking alcohol. I thought that the end had come for me in the full sense of the word. But, as luck would have it, I met with psychotherapist Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov. After 9 sessions, my health improved significantly, the craving for alcohol disappeared completely, and I felt as if I had never drank at all, an interest in life appeared, and I am sure that this nightmare that haunted me will not return. Thank you very much! Good health and good luck! With uv. Chub S.N. Nikolaev region Ochakov st. 60 years of the USSR 12 quarter 1 11/14/1990, 17:26
06/05/2014, 15:48


Dear Viktor Fedorovich! Thank you very much for treating my husband, son, and me. After two sessions, the husband felt a complete aversion to alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, the irritation has gone away, and his sleep has improved. My son suffered from urinary incontinence, after the sixth session everything went away for him, he began to eat better, sleep, and became a little calmer. I was constantly tormented by headaches, heart pain, lack of appetite, insomnia, my hands hurt at night, and I was tormented by fears. After treatment, I have an appetite, I sleep at night without medications, the pain in my heart has gone away, and I am in a good mood. I bow to you, Viktor Fedorovich, and best wishes. Artsyz 10.31.1991, 17:18

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