Healing dementia.

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Arestov Alexander Vladimirovich


Arestov Alexander Vladimirovich, 54 years old, diagnosed with dementia (Alzheimer's disease). He worked as a driver in a bank. There has been a tense relationship with the executive for some time. The first problems and diseases began at the age of 50. It began with the fact that he forgot where he put the keys, the phone, but no one really considered it. Once he went on a business trip for work in a familiar direction, left the car in the parking lot, then could not navigate and find this place. When he was fired from his job, as  it is fashionable today, with no reason for it, he was very worried. He could hardly sleep at night. Then they went to a neuropathologist, he was admitted to the regional hospital for examination. During the examination, he was diagnosed with atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels.

They  also went in parallel with the examination in 'Audrex' - the diagnosis was confirmed and they (the patient's family) began treatment in this direction: they took "Mema," "Almer," "Rosade" for a long time, but there were no results, the disease progressed. Cognitive disorders began, walking became uncertain - he shook and they went to a neurosis clinic when he underwent treatment - walking resumed, but he began to communicate with a mirror image of himself, seeing someone, but not himself, there was a split personality. After that, they underwent a brain vascular examination again. Upon re-examination, the result was 20-30% vascular clogging, MRI showed fluid in the brain and we were told to see a neurosurgeon. They went to Kyiv for a consultation.

The neurosurgeon explained to us that if they did not even fix the problem, this is not the reason. After Kyiv, we turned to a neurosurgeon in Slobodka in Odessa, N. A. Gumenyuk. She examined Alexander and said that he had hope to suspend the process a little and advised them to see a psychiatrist who can pick up the drug. We consulted with a psychiatrist in Tenystoy, 6, where he said that he had dementia and sent a doctor from this direction. During the examination, 50% of memory loss was established, Microson, Ketilent Retord he began to take, they took 3 months, the conversation with themselves did not take place, aggression towards loved ones began to appear, all junk from the street was dragged into the house, everything was pulled out and hidden under the pillow from the drawers, etc.

Then we went to a psychiatrist in Kanatnaya street, treatment was prescribed, and they also started taking drugs for a new cycle - but there was no improvement. A neurologist from Kanatnaya advised and gave direction so that we were examined for infections that could be the cause of this condition in the brain. After detecting infections of toxoplasmosis, herpes and other infections, we turned to an infectious disease specialist, where we received a referral for a deeper examination of infections that - herpes type 6 was found. They underwent treatment in that direction, but there were no changes. Hands down, we didn't know what gate to knock on. After reading many articles on the Internet about this disease, I realized that it was not being treated and what to do next did not know how to live, categorically refused to take to the clinic and how to help we did not know.

Once, cleaning the house, I do not remember on what channel, I saw on the screen Chiyanov V. F., who talked about his methods of treatment. I had a little hope to fight further for the health of my husband. In general, this was my last hope, because I did not know where to go further. When we went to Chiyanov V.F. for a consultation, I had hope and believed him and, probably, for good reason, my inner intuition suggested that I opened the right door. He began to undergo treatment, after the 7th session he began to change - he stopped talking and seeing someone, at night he began to sleep.

With each session, we had improvements - he began to return to life: there was a desire to do something, he began to look after himself, conduct some kind of a meaningful dialogue , memory was being restored. We understand that with such a diagnosis, changes are almost impossible, but we had a miracle and he broke out of this circle and hope that with the help of Viktor Fedorovich we will overcome this disease. I am grateful and bow low to this man, a doctor from God. Patient's wife Alla. Odessa region. Nerubayske village, Pastera street. 17.12.2019

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