Reviews about the treatment of epilepsy

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Shafnyuk (Tsimbalenko) Alona Viktorovna 04.02. born 1991

Sick from birth. At the age of 7,  she experienced the 1st cerebral hemorrhage and the 1st cerebral embolism surgery. During the operation, left-sided hemiparesis developed.
The patient was diagnosed with AVM (arteriovenous malformation) of cerebral vessels.
After severe stress, attacks developed that expressed themselves: at the moment of waking up,
in the morning, Allona heard a sharp chemical smell, then panic began,
pupils spread out, screaming with fear, she would run
not understanding where. Then the body cramps began. After an attack, she had the urge to urinate.
She came out of the attack, depending on the severity of different times.

She received anticonvulsant treatment: drugs: finlepsin. A year of treatment yielded no results. In 2020, we  turned to Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich. After a course of treatment, the attacks went completely, Allona changed noticeably:  her memory, learning ability, understanding improved.
At the same time, an ankle injury was treated. There was damage to cartilage tissue,
a prolonged inflammatory process that did not
pass due to the  impaired blood flow.
After the course, the condition returned to normal.
Mom. We are from Odessa.

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